16 December 21
Our Information and Support service provides vital sign-posting for anyone who wants to find out more about services available for autistic people, has questions about how to address some life challenges, or simply just want to talk. It is often difficult to access appropriate support as there are very few specialist services and mental health support is not set up to meet their needs.
There are many instances reported by autistic adults of not feeling understood or accepted and their needs not being met. This can increase feelings of loneliness, hopelessness and isolation, which further impact poor mental health. Covid-19 has magnified these issues in recent months.
We are continually learning about what the autistic community needs to boost mental health and wellbeing and we need your help to meet the key needs that are being identified. As the first step in co creating new services with the autistic community. Autism Unlimited is setting up a lending library of books and resources.
The lending library will provide the opportunity to ‘try before you buy’ – people accessing our Information and Support service will be able to borrow resources to see if they are helpful before buying their own.
A recent counselling pilot undertaken by Autism Unlimited has shown that autistic people need and are benefiting from being heard and understood, often for the first time, by a professional. It also provided clarity on autism related challenges that influence particular situations (such as education); can enable people to develop self-understanding and self-acceptance, which in turn boosts their mental health and wellbeing and empowers them to make decisions and choices that are right for them. As people learn more about themselves and what works for them, they can identify their strengths and bring them more into their daily lives.
Autism Unlimited aims to develop further wellbeing assistance and ensure it is widely accessible through resources, groups and one to one support. We look forward to sharing more news of this in the coming months.