Equality is not about treating everyone the same, it is about ensuring that access to opportunities are available to all by taking account of people’s differing needs and capabilities.
Diversity is about recognising and valuing differences through inclusion, regardless of a protected characteristic, part-time or shift work, language, perspectives, opinions and personal values etc. The charity supports working towards developing a workforce that is representative of the people we support.
If you are applying to be part of our team you can be assured you will receive equal treatment regardless of your age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (Protected Characteristics).
Gender Pay Gap Statement
As an organisation which employs over 250 people in the UK, Autism Unlimited is legally required to publish data on its gender pay gap. Our Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 presents our statistics as at 5 April 2021 and includes the mean and median gender pay gap figures; the mean and median gender pay gap bonuses; the proportion of men and women who received a bonus; the proportion of men and women in each pay quartile.