Our latest news stories
1 November 2023
Floating Focus – Holly's Experience. Some autistic people may find it difficult to focus on one thing for an extended period of time, especially if it…
1 November 2023
Floating Focus - Mimi's Experience. For Mimi, staying focused and filtering out distractions can be a struggle. Her mind starts to drift away…
26 October 2023
Stimming – Georgia's Experience. When things get overwhelming, stimming can offer temporary relief for some autistic people. The repetitive movements…
24 October 2023
Stimming – Cayden's Experience. Cayden has relied on stimming since a young age, scrunching and un-scrunching different items, such as paper, and…
17 October 2023
Stimming - Tyler's Experience. Stimming can be a source of comfort and enjoyment for many people, offering a way to regulate emotions and process…
17 October 2023
Stimming - Archie's Experience. Loud and unpredictable environments can be overwhelming for some autistic people, causing issues with sensory…
10 October 2023
Non-Speaking Communication - Rose's Experience. Some autistic people may face a delay in their use of spoken language, whilst others may not use…
19 September 2023
The below blog shares a therapist's insight into sensory sensitivities and how they might impact individuals. What are sensory sensitivities?
19 September 2023
Sensory Sensitivities – Lucas’ Experience. Autistic people may experience sensory differences, which can include being over-sensitive or…