Our latest news stories
23 February 2022
Autism is a slightly different way of the brain functioning. I don’t think it means that you’re really any different to anyone else, and that you have…
14 February 2022
Autism in itself is not a negative, it is people’s lack of understanding and a lack of support that makes its impact so potentially damaging.
1 February 2022
Oliver is a 15 year old student at Portfield School with an autism diagnosis, dyspraxia and hypermobility.
1 February 2022
Fenton is a 16 year old student at Portfield School, with an autism diagnosis and a talent for the performing arts.
21 January 2022
Sarah has been an ISL at Portfield School for the past 15 years, working closely with both the younger children and the sixth formers.
22 October 2021
Dismissing my autism was the worst part of a hospital visit. A relatively routine exploratory procedure at my local hospital turned into the…