Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is there to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and encourage care services to improve. all health and social care services in England.
Our residential homes are regularly inspected by the CQC.

Some useful information

Middle Path
CQC overall rating - Good
March, 2018
The CQC states that it carried out a review of the report data on Middle Path on 7 October, 2021 and did not find evidence of the need to carry out an inspection or reassess its rating at that stage. This could change at any time if they receive new information. The CQC will continue to monitor data about this service.

Penny Farthing
CQC overall rating – Good June, 2018
The CQC states that it carried out a review of the report data on Penny Farthing House on 7 October, 2021 and did not find evidence of the need to carry out an inspection or reassess its rating at that stage. This could change at any time if they receive new information. The CQC will continue to monitor data about this service.