Preparation for Adulthood
Developing independence
Four Key Outcomes
Students at Portfield School are encouraged to have an understanding of their own health and the health of others. This includes supporting peers and friends who are not feeling well, asking for help, understanding when and who to ask for help, how to book a medical appointment, dental check, immunisations, exercise, puberty, mental health and wellbeing.
Learning linked to Independent Living equips the students with the skills they require to take care of themselves as they grow and develop. This includes fundamental needs such as toileting, teeth brushing, cooking and shopping, to the more advanced skills of handling money, travel planning, personal safety and managing budgets and bills.
Alongside some of the practical skills required to live happy and fulfilled lives, students are also supported to explore and develop their awareness of community inclusion.
This includes making and building friendships, managing change, visiting new places, online safety and understanding rules and the law.
Alongside some of the practical skills required to live happy and fulfilled lives, students are also supported to explore and develop their individual awareness of the community they live in. This includes community visits, travel planning and exploring areas of cultural interest.
Student are also supported with making and building friendships, managing change, understanding different relationships, visiting new places, online safety and understanding rules and the law.
Employment preparation for students at Portfield School includes activities to practice following instructions, role-play linked with jobs, visits to places of employment, career discussions, work experience and understanding accreditations needed for different career pathways. This is tailored to an individual’s needs and areas of interest, enabling them to thrive as they progress into adulthood.